Nilagiri: Two brothers reportedly set their own house on fire while intoxicated. The incident took place in Banapur village in Nilagiri area of Balasore district in Odisha yesterday.The two accused persons have been identified as Madhab Biswal and Ganeswar Biswal.According to information, yesterday, the two sons of late Rabindra Biswal of Banapur village in Ward No. 11 of Nilgiri NAC returned to the house in the evening in an intoxicated state and started fighting with each other. Later, their fight escalated and reportedly they set their own house on fire in an inebriated state.Later, the brothers also allegedly beat their old mother.As they set the house on fire, the entire three-room house was burnt to ashes.On receiving the information, Nilagiri Fire Department reached the spot, doused the fire and informed the Nilagiri police.Police reached the spot and initiated action. Police have detained the two brothers.Further investigation of the case is underway to find out actually who set the house on fire and why.