Mumbai, 11/11:Tamil-Telugu to Hindi audience are also eagerly waiting to see Ram Charan starrer film RRR. The trailers of the film have already created a ruckus among the people and now the music of this film is also being well-liked. Recently, the makers of RRR have released a video of the new song Naacho Naacho from the film in which Ram Charan and Jr NTR are seen doing a great dance. The team of this film is leaving no stone unturned to impress the fans. While the video of this song has been released by the makers, on the other hand, Jr NTR has shared a short clip on his social account which is going viral very fast.
In the song, Jr NTR and Ram Charan are seen doing an energetic dance with their hands around each other’s neck. This dancing style of both is quite unique, seeing which the fans are praising it fiercely. In this video song of SS Rajamouli’s film, the look of both is classy and the choreography of Kadam Taal is also looking amazing. Through this, the star of the film has also created noise on the dance floor. NTR shared the clip of this song on his Instagram account and wrote in the caption, ‘Had a great time dancing to the electrifying beats of #RRRMassAnthem with my brother Ramcharan.’ People have seen. At the same time, T-Series has released this entire song on YouTube, which has been seen by more than 39 lakh people in just 24 hours.
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