UP, 2/2 (AO Bureau): The phase of opening schools that have been closed due to the Corona epidemic has now begun. Due to this, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has now issued fresh instructions to open the school. CM has directed that schools from classes 6 to 12 should be opened within ten days and studies should be started. The Chief Minister said during the review meeting of the Kovid Unlock system at his residence that according to the guidelines of the Center, consideration should be given to start the studies of these classes in ten days. It is now believed that schools will be opened in the state from February 12.
First, be a complete assessment of the situation
The CM said in a review meeting with Team 11 that a thorough assessment of the situation should be done at all places. Classes should be conducted only after this. He said that a proper assessment of the conditions of the districts is necessary, any danger can be avoided before doing so. At the same time, giving strict instructions, he said that classes should be run at all places as per the Kovid guidelines.
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