Shah hands over best police station award to Aska

New Delhi, 21/1:Aska police station in Ganjam district was awarded as the best police station in the country by Union Home Minister Amit Shah. IIC Prashant Kumar Sahoo received the trophy of the best police station from Shah at the DGP/IGP conference in New Delhi on Friday.


Aska topped the annual ranking of police station for 2022. Ranking of police stations is an annual exercise conducted by the Union Ministry of Home Affairs and the stations are judged on the basis of 165 different parameters like crime rate, investigation and disposal of cases, infrastructure and delivery of public service. Around 20 per cent of the total points are also based on feedback on police stations from citizens, sources said. Aska police station bagged the first spot in overall performance till December 26, 2022 after Pragati dashboard, developed by the State Crime Records Bureau, was introduced to rank police stations on their performances in aspects like solving of grievances of people, pendency of cases, detection and solving of cases, rate of conviction and filing of chargesheets. Aska got 94.54 per cent on the Pragati dashboard. Last year Gangapur police station in the district was adjudged second best in the country.Taking to Twitter, Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik lauded the police station and said, “Congratulate Aska Model PS of Ganjam district on being selected by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) and No 1 police station in the country for the year 2022. Citizen-centric policing to serve people with dignity continues to be a priority.” Among officers who attended the conference was Odisha DGP Sunil Kumar Bansal.

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