Tata Steel Employees Visit Old Age Home, Donate Essential Supplies

Caring for the community through employee volunteerism


Bhubaneswar, September 24, 2024: Reiterating commitment towards community service, employees of Tata
Steel’s Ferro Alloys and Minerals Division (FAMD) visited city based old age home Sneha Mandira
Bruddhashram today and provided ration supplies, fruits and toiletries as part of the company’s ongoing
Employee Volunteerism Programme.
The employees spent quality time interacting with the elderly residents, listening to their stories, and offering
comfort and companionship. This volunteer activity is part of the company's wider efforts to foster a culture of
giving back to the community.
Pankaj Satija, Executive-In-Charge, FAMD, said, "Through our Employee Volunteerism Programme, we aim
to create meaningful connections with the community and contribute to the well-being of those in need. We
believe that every small act towards compassion makes a significant impact."
The donation included essential items such as rice, lentils, oil, sugar, toiletries, and a variety of fruits, ensuring
that the senior citizens have access to nutritious food and hygiene products. The inmates expressed their
heartfelt gratitude for the thoughtful act and the time spent with them.
Tata Steel’s Employee Volunteerism Programme has a long-standing tradition of supporting various social
causes, from health and education to environmental sustainability. This visit to the old age home underscores
the company's dedication to positively impacting society through collaborative efforts between the
organization and its employees.
The initiative is a testament to Tata Steel's philosophy that businesses must serve the community and build a
better tomorrow, not just for their employees and stakeholders, but for society at large.

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