Government may ban WhatsApp Privacy policy

New Delhi, 25/3 (AO Bureau) : The CCI (Competition Commission of India) on Wednesday ordered a detailed investigation into the updated privacy policy and service conditions of Facebook-owned messaging platform WhatsApp. The Commission is of the opinion that WhatsApp has violated the provisions of Section 4 of the Act through its exploitative and exclusionary conduct. It should be thoroughly investigated. The Director-General of CCI will investigate the matter and report within 60 days.

What did CCI say?
CCI said during the hearing on the new policy of WhatsApp that there is no strong rival in India, WhatsApp does not want to give its favorable option to the users. He does not fear that users will fall. The CCI stated in its order that a thorough and detailed investigation is required to ascertain the full extent, scope, and impact of data sharing through involuntary consent of the user. The Commission has said that WhatsApp’s policy and conditions are such as to accept it or leave it to the platform. On the other hand, a WhatsApp spokesperson said that talks with CCI will be done, the company will end the end-to-end encryption of people’s personal communication and Committed to transparency.

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