No result in Seventh round of meeting between Farmers and Government

New Delhi, 4/1 (AO Bureau ) The seventh round of meetings between the government and farmers ended. This meeting, which lasted for three hours between the two sides, was inconclusive. Now the next round of meeting will be held on 8 January. Representatives of farmer organizations stand on-demand to repeal the laws. Although it has been said by the government that it will not withdraw the laws but it is ready for amendment. Sources said that after a meeting that lasted for about an hour, both sides took a lunch break. He told that the government is in a stand of not repealing these laws and it is understood that it has suggested setting up a committee to consider this subject.

After the meeting, Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar said that we want the farmers’ organizations to discuss all the three laws. We could not reach any solution because the farmer’s organizations are adamant about repealing the laws. Bharatiya Kisan Union Yudhveer Singh said that the minister wanted us to discuss the law point-by-point. We rejected it and said that there is no point of discussion because we are demanding to completely reject the laws. The government intends to take us towards amendment but we will not accept it.

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