Good News for Students : Students To appear the matric examination from their own school

Bhubaneswar, 22/1 (AO Bureau): Good news for all matric candidates. This year, matriculation candidates will take the test at their school. The students no longer have to go to another school to take the exam. Teachers from other schools will work as examiners in those schools. Such a decision has been taken by the state Department of Mass Education for the convenience of the students.

The exams are scheduled to take place from May 3 to 15, with students taking the 80 mark test instead of the 100 mark test. Among them will be the 50th objective and the 30th subjective type . But when the test results are released, they will be rated at 100. Students will be given 2 hours instead of two and a half hours during the exam. Students will take exams at their school, examiners from other schools will attend. The exams are held between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. According to the Council for Secondary Education, the three-tier security system will be equipped with CCTV systems at the test centers.

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