Big news about Whatsapp privacy policy

New Delhi, 8/5 (Ao Bureau/Whatsapp is the most used messaging app worldwide is good news for the users of WhatsApp. Now even if the users have not accepted the new privacy policy till May 15, their account will not be deleted. The company has actually announced to extend the privacy policy deadline on May 15, after which users will definitely get relief somewhere.

Hence the decision taken

Before this, the new privacy policy of WhatsApp was to be received by the users and failing to do so, the account would be closed. After this announcement of WhatsApp, it started being opposed everywhere. Not only this, but WhatsApp users also started exploring other options like Signal App and Telegram. In view of this, a decision was taken by the company to increase its deadline.


Account will not be closed

WhatsApp spokesperson K said that even if you do not accept WhatsApp’s new privacy policy by May 15, your account will not be closed. He said that there is a lot of confusion in the minds of people about the new privacy policy of WhatsApp, which is being tried to remove it. Till the confusion over WhatsApp is not cleared, it has been decided to extend the deadline.



These are the allegations on WhatsApp

It is worth noting that WhatsApp has been accused that after the new privacy, the company will share the private data of the users with its parent company Facebook. This is not right for users. Apart from this, users are also worried about how the data of the users will be used.

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